
Research and reports


Top talent gets poor feedback, and stereotypes influence what feedback is internalized.


2024 RPRT Textio AI Bias
How Textio measures and mitigates bias in AI
Learn more about Textio's approaching to addressing bias, the methods we use for bias evaluation and techniques for generating and testing data.
New data shows the cost of poor feedback
The cost of poor performance feedback is now clear: People who get low-quality feedback are 63% more likely to leave their organizations.
Mindful AI series
What if we could use generative AI to combat bias rather than reinforce it? Textio CEO Kieran Snyder explores how mindful AI can accelerate DEI.
ChatGPT research series
Textio CEO Kieran Snyder wrote thousands of job posts, candidate messages, performance feedback messages, and more with ChatGPT. She shares everything HR, DEI, and Talent leaders need to know about generative AI and bias.
The recruiter's guide to interrupting bias
Become a more inclusive recruiter with these bias interruption techniques. Get concrete tips to see and stop bias in five major recruiting processes.
The truth about bias in performance feedback
Textio has found strong patterns of inequity in job performance feedback. See the data analysis and survey results in this research report.
Rethinking your approach to inclusion
There’s only one way to build a sustainably inclusive team, and you may be overlooking it. Learn how to create a “flywheel of belonging” with this guide.